Rabu, 30 Januari 2013


Gimana caranya Ipad di PC ?
Yup, ini memang beneran gan, sekarang sudah ada simulator ipad agar bisa dijalankan di pc agan.
Ipadian adalah salah satu simulator untuk menjalankan ipad di pc anda.
Lumayan kan buat yang pengen punya ipad tapi gag kesampean karena harganya menggila :(
Juga bisa dipamerin keteman-teman kalian kalau di PC kalian ada Ipadnya, pada ngiri tuh :p

Screenshot Ipadian di PC :
Screenshot Ipad menggunakan Ipadian di Kaskus

Fitur-fitur Ipadian yang bisa kita dapatkan adalah :
-Full Screen preview
-Custom App Store
-Free music & videos
-Webkit browser
-Support Facebook notification & messages
-Social Chat

Requirements Spec PC anda untuk menjalankan Ipadian :
A PC with Windows 7/ Windows Vista/ Windows XP
2.8 Ghz Pentium 4 PC or more
512 mb of Ram or More
50 mb Disk space

Tips-Trik untuk Menggunakan Ipadian :
1. How to Add New backgrounds into iPadian ?
Some users Ask me how to add new backgrounds photos into ipadian , well it’s easy
Firstly go to iPadian directory
then open /assets/images and then open background Folder
into Background Folder there’s 13 photos named as m1.jpg …. mXX.jpg
delete all photos and add yours
rename all photos likr m1.jpg , m2.jpg …

2. How to Add new Apps to iPadian ?
Why u will keep using iPadian ? coz you can always add new apps (games, web apps , paint ..)
to do that open iPadian.exe and then click on App Store the first icon
a list of apps displaying for you chose one and click on to see detail
a live view of app is displaying if you like it click on the Green Button to install

3. Submit your web App to iPadian App Store
if you have a nice website or web app or game and you want to share it with all iPadian users
open App Store
on the top menu click on submit App
Fill the forme
and click submit, after review we could add your web app

For Windows : Click

For Mac & Lunix (Adobe air) : Click

Nah daripada bengong nungguin Ipad dari langit, mending langsung install deh simulator Ipadian di Pc kalian.
Semoga bermanfaat ya.

test win XP  pentium 4  work

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